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Judicial reform for women

Posted on Jul 25, 2022 in Capitol Connection, Featured, Main

Members of the Women’s Legislative Caucus and the governor flash shakas of support.

A package of bills supported by the Women’s Legislative Caucus and signed into law by Governor Ige has been hailed as a significant step toward addressing inequities women face in the criminal justice system. Among the bills is HB 2421, which establishes a three-year women’s court pilot program within the judiciary. “This pilot program will provide services to ensure women have the resources to succeed,” said the governor. The services will address trauma and mental health treatment, family and housing support, education and job training and domestic violence prevention, among other areas.

The other bills are HB 2637, providing funds for community-based work furlough programs; SB 2641, funds for residential programs to allow children to remain with their mothers; and HB 2312, establishes the Women’s Corrections Implementation Commission.


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