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April 28, 2016 ESSA Team Meeting Minutes

Posted on Apr 29, 2016 in Main

Location:  Governor’s Conference Room

Attendance of Team Members:  Phil Bossert, Kamana’opono Crabb, Darrel Galera, Keith Hayashi, Ann Mahi, Hubert Minn, Lauren Moriguchi, Steve Nakasato, Alan Oshima, Catherine Payne, Amy Perruso, Stacey Roberts, Carol Shikada, Linda Chu Takayama, Stephen Terstegge

Attendance of Support Team:  Mike Tokioka, Karen Aka, Val Kardash, Carm Minami, Mike Miyamura, Penny Tom, Ken Kang

I. Opening Messages

  1. 8:15 am BOE Chairperson provided a welcome message and opening remarks
  2. 8:30 am Governor David Ige provided a welcome message and shared his vision for Hawaii and a vision for education
  3. 9:15 am ESSA Team Chairperson Darrel Galera provided a welcome message and shared core values, beliefs, expectations that will guide the work of the team.

II. Introduction of ESSA Team Members / Team building

  1. Team members participated in activity for introductions and reflection on attributes from Governor Ige’s speech
    1. ESSA Team Response to Governor Ige’s Opening Speech
    2. Reflection on Key Points from Ken Robinson’s video on creativity and innovation

III. The Context

  1. Team members participated in a deeper discussion of the Governor’s vision for the State of Hawaii?
  2. Team members viewed clips of leading educational thought leaders and participated in a deeper discussion of “What does a future-focused public education look like?”

IV. The Opportunity

  1. What is the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) – Darrel Galera provided a briefing on the ESSA Law for team members.
  2. Team members began reflecting on how can the State of Hawaii maximize the opportunities provided in this new federal legislation?

V. Team Operations

  1. Team members discussed processes for collaborating and making agreements / decision- making
  2. Team members received IT support for technology access and tools for collaboration
  3. Discussion of Support Groups
    1. Technical Assistance Group
    2. Partners for Public Education

Engaging Stakeholders

  1. Education Summit for the public / stakeholders scheduled for July 2016; ESSA Team charged with planning the summit.
  2. Town Hall Meetings also to be planned and coordinated for the public

VII. Meeting Schedule – dates and times discussed

V1. Q & A

VII. Closing Remarks- closing message delivered by First Lady, Dawn Ige

Next meeting scheduled for May 14, 2016.  Location to be determined.

Meeting adjourned at 2:00 p.m.