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Nearly 90 percent of executive branch state employees are vaccinated

Posted on Sep 27, 2021 in Capitol Connection, Featured, Main

State employees are leading by example in vaccination and compliance, according to figures released recently by the Department of Human Resources Development (DHRD). Nearly 90% of 14,000 state employees from the executive branch are fully vaccinated for COVID-19, according to the updated figures. (This does not include Department of Education and University of Hawaii employees.)

As of Sept. 13, 2021, 88.8% of the state’s executive branch employees are fully vaccinated; 2.6% are partially vaccinated, and 8.6% are not vaccinated. The departments with the highest fully vaccinated rates are the Department of Human Resources Development (100%); the Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism (95.4%); and the Department of Labor and Industrial Relations (95%).

Dr. Elizabeth Char with Governor and Mrs. Ige after their vaccinations

“The State of Hawaii has continued its upward trend, increasing the executive branch’s fully vaccinated rate by more than 3% in the last month,” said DHRD director Ryker Wada. Governor Ige added, “A highly vaccinated work population not only protects our workplaces, co-workers and our families, but it also decreases the likelihood of interruptions in state services.”

For the list of departments and vaccination rates, go to

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