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State announces homeless plan for $12 million appropriation

Posted on Jul 27, 2016 in Main

TILE leversA plan focusing on the chronically homeless as well as families with children will be implemented with $12 million from the 2016 Legislature. “We know homelessness has reached every community,” said Governor Ige at a press conference with homelessness coordinator Scott Morishige and Department of Human Services director Rachael Wong.

“This plan provides services across the state and focuses on the long-term,” said the governor. It targets three areas: affordable housing, health and human services and public safety. Of the $12 million, $9.45 million will go to homeless outreach, a Family Assessment Center in Kaka‘ako and housing initiatives statewide. Another $1.9 million is for encampment enforcement, with the remaining $650,000 for shelter repair and data systems.

“This plan builds on the hard work service providers do every day in our community,” said Morishige. The strategy is part of the multigenerational ‘Ohana Nui (extended family) approach being taken by the state departments of health and human services. Wong explained, “It’s about moving people out of toxic stress environments and focusing on health care, education, safety, employment and housing.”

Photo: Levers – Affordable housing, health and human services, public safety and data & infrastructure list with $ amounts

Read more in our August issue.