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State issues guidelines for Pfizer boosters; prioritizes first shots and kūpuna

Posted on Sep 27, 2021 in Capitol Connection, Featured, Main
Blue gloved hand holds up Pfizer shot

Pfizer booster shots are now available for some groups. (Photo by: DOD/Lisa Ferdinando)

The Hawai‘i Department of Health (DOH) continues to urge that the unvaccinated be given priority for the COVID-19 vaccine and recommends that priority for Pfizer booster shots be given to those 65 and older and those 50 to 64 who have underlying medical conditions.  “We will have enough booster shots for everyone, but please allow those at highest risk for severe illness to receive their shots first,” said DOH director Dr. Elizabeth Char. “DOH’s first priority will remain encouraging unvaccinated Hawai‘i residents to complete their primary vaccine series.”

According to recent Center for Disease Control guidelines, other groups are also eligible to receive Pfizer booster shots and should be accommodated as vaccine allocation allows. They are:

  • Individuals age 18-49 with underlying medical conditions, based on individual benefits and risks.
  • Individuals age 18-64 and at high risk for occupational or institutional exposure, based on individual benefits and risks.

Eligible individuals can get vaccinated any time at least six months after their second Pfizer vaccination. There are no changes at this time for those who received Moderna and Johnson & Johnson vaccines. These recommendations apply only to those who received the Pfizer vaccine. For more details and vaccine locations, go to

Read more in the October Capitol Connection newsletter.

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