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Tackling homelessness in Kaka‘ako and statewide

Posted on Oct 29, 2015 in Main

homeless presses mark takaiEveryone has seen the headlines and the photos of families huddled among rows of tents. So what is the state doing to remedy the situation — and how fast can it happen?

Gov. Ige has made it a priority by hiring Scott Morishige as the new state coordinator for homelessness, giving him a bigger staff, and establishing a Governor’s Leadership Team on Homelessness to ensure interagency cooperation.

“This isn’t just another committee,” said Ige. “This team is making a commitment to work together to find solutions now. We are the people responsible for the public’s welfare. This team is meeting face to face to address homelessness, and we are going to hold each other accountable.”

Now the task is to tackle the complexities and challenges for those who live in poverty or close to its “tipping point.” Morishige, 35, has devoted his career to social service and was recently honored with the Patsy T. Mink Courageous Leadership Award from the Hawaii Appleseed Center for Law and Economic Justice.

Read more of our October issue here.