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DCCA NEWS RELEASE: New Year, New Consumer Tools to Shop and Explore Coverage Options

Posted on Jan 15, 2016 in Latest Department News, Newsroom, Office of the Governor Press Releases

Hawaii Insurance Division Releases Resources to Help Consumers Compare Motor Vehicle, Home, and Auto Insurance Premiums

HONOLULU — Hawaii Insurance Division recently released its 2016 premium comparison guides. The guides are available at and cover motor vehicle, homeowners, condominium, and rental insurance.

“Reviewing your auto or homeowner’s policies annually or in the event of a life change such as the purchase of a new car could help consumers avoid unexpected expenses,” said Insurance Commissioner Gordon Ito. “Our premium comparison guides are written to help consumers understand what effect rating factors like speeding convictions and the type of home construction can have on the cost of their insurance.”

Consumers are encouraged to use the premium comparison guides to research their insurance options. Homeowners or Renters insurance is not required in the State of Hawaii but may be required by your bank or mortgage lender. Hawaii drivers must have a valid motor vehicle insurance policy.

Direct links to the guides are:
2016 Motor Vehicle Insurance Premium Comparison

2016 Homeowners Premium Comparison

2016 Condominium Owners Premium Comparison

2016 Renters Premium Comparison

The Insurance Division also added the Guide to Hurricane Strengthening for Hawaii Single-Family Residences for consumers and contractors. The guide provides technical requirements, drawings, and references to retrofit existing homes and can be found at

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The Insurance Division oversees the state’s insurance industry, issues licenses; examines the fiscal condition of Hawaii-based companies; reviews rate and policy filings; and investigates insurance related complaints.

Media Contact:
Shelly Kunishige
Multimedia Education Specialist
Hawaii Insurance Division
Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs
Phone: (808) 587-6735
Mobile:  (808) 286-9626
Email:  [email protected]