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DHHL NEWS RELEASE: Statement on U.S. Department of the Interior proposal for re-establishing a government-to-government relationship with the native Hawaiian community

Posted on Sep 30, 2015 in Latest Department News, Newsroom, Office of the Governor Press Releases

KAPOLEI, OʻAHU – The U.S. Department of the Interior’s (DOI) proposed rule on procedures for re-establishing a government-to-government relationship with the Native Hawaiian community protects the rights of our Hawaiian Homes beneficiaries and is a very important proposal for the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands (DHHL), beneficiaries, and the native Hawaiian community.

The DHHL is carefully reviewing the details of the Interior Department’s proposal and will be submitting comments on the issues outlined therein.

We highly encourage our Hawaiian Homes beneficiaries to remain engaged in this Federal rulemaking process and to submit their comments on the proposed rule.

Public comments will be accepted for the next 90 days. Comments can be submitted via email at [email protected]; online at (docket no. DOI-2015-0005); or by U.S. mail/hand delivery to the Office of the Secretary, Department of the Interior, Room 7228, 1849 C St. NW, Washington, DC 20240.

The DOI will also be hosting four teleconferences to discuss the proposed rules. Teleconference details can be found on page 6 of the DOI FAQs (see link below).

To comment or for more information, visit the following links found on the Interior Department’s website:

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Media Contact: 
Paula Aila
Information & Community Relations Officer
Department of Hawaiian Home Lands
(808) 620-9591
[email protected]