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Posted on Jun 28, 2021 in Latest Department News, Newsroom

(HONOLULU) – A project to replace the aging and deteriorating water main at the Ala Wai Small Boat Harbor begins with utility probing this week. Pacific Isles Equipment Rental (PIER) Inc., will be working on the main until July 9 and will start the process by probing for all existing underground utilities that may be affected by the project.

Once all utilities are located construction plans will be finalized. The contractor will begin installation of high-density polyethylene (HDPE) water mains, service laterals, and fire hydrant connections. They will also conduct pavement repairs and other miscellaneous work. The installation of the water main is slated to start October 4 and expected to be finished by December 1.

The poor condition of the existing water line has caused multiple water main breaks over the years,” said DLNR Division of Boating and Ocean Recreation (DOBOR) Engineer, Finn McCall. “The new HDPE water mains are corrosion resistant and will provide more long-term durability. Slip permittees and harbor users will benefit from a more reliable water system and fewer water service shutdowns caused by breaks.”

No major closures are anticipated, however, various areas of the harbor will have parking stalls blocked off and traffic flow re-routed to allow room for the contractor to install the water main and service laterals. Areas affected by the project include the front row between Holomoana Street and Hobron Lane, all harbor access roads, rows 400, 500, 600, and 700.

The estimated cost for this project is $1,474,778.


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