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DOH NEWS RELEASE: Cindy Medeir to receive Suzanne Richmond-Crum award on 2015 World AIDS Day

Posted on Nov 25, 2015 in Latest Department News, Newsroom, Office of the Governor Press Releases

HONOLULU – The Hawaii State Department of Health (DOH) STD/AIDS Prevention Branch is pleased to announce the 2015 Annual Suzanne Richmond-Crum Award will be presented to Cindy Medeiros. The award presentation will take place at the World AIDS Day ceremony on Tuesday Dec. 1 (6:30 – 8 p.m.) at the Cathedral of Saint Andrew in Honolulu. Medeiros is being honored for her tremendous contributions to HIV/AIDS services in Hawaii.

For nearly 19 years, Medeiros has dedicated herself to taking care of individuals affected by HIV/AIDS. She is currently serving as an HIV case manager for the Hawaii Island HIV/AIDS Foundation (HIHAF). Throughout the years, she has served various roles at HIHAF and has a deep understanding and passion for the HIV community on Hawaii Island. She provides extraordinary service, going above and beyond expectations, to help her HIV-positive clients. Ms. Medeiros is well respected and loved by the community that she serves.

“Cindy has made so many significant accomplishments and outstanding contributions in the area of HIV/AIDS in Hawaii,” said Lenard Allen, a long-time colleague. “She has been steadfast in her dedication to serving all clients equally even those who are the most challenging.”

Allen added, “Whether marching in the Merrie Monarch Parade to keep awareness alive about HIV, working closely with a client on quality of life choices, or educating new employees beginning their careers in the field of HIV/AIDS, Cindy approaches each activity with the same compassion and dedication in her words and manner as she did 19 years ago.”

Suzanne Richmond-Crum passed away in August 2004 after serving as director of the Hawaii Seropositivity and Medical Management Program of the DOH STD/AIDS Prevention Branch for more than 10 years. The award was established in honor of the competence and compassion she demonstrated in her HIV/AIDS work, and is presented annually to an individual in Hawaii for their outstanding contribution in providing HIV/AIDS services.

The public is invited to join this year’s community observation of World AIDS Day on Tuesday, Dec. 1 at 6:30 p.m. at the Cathedral of Saint Andrew, 229 Queen Emma Square in Honolulu (at the corner of South Beretania Street and Queen Emma Street). For more information on all statewide World AIDS Day events, go to:

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Nighat Quadri

STD/AIDS Prevention Branch

Phone: (808) 733-4380

[email protected]