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DOH News Release: DOH releases Red Hill defueling plan, command investigation

Posted on Jun 30, 2022 in Latest Department News, Newsroom

HONOLULU – The Hawaiʻi Department of Health received copies of the Navy’s plan to defuel the Red Hill Bulk Fuel Storage Facility, and the Navy’s internal investigation into the May and November 2021 Red Hill fuel leaks. The defueling plan was submitted in accordance with DOH’s emergency order.

“We are releasing these documents in the interest of transparency,” said Deputy Director of Environmental Health Kathleen Ho. “Red Hill needs to be shut down as quickly as possible and we fully expect that the Navy will marshal all possible available resources to defuel and decommission the facility. However, with the extensive repairs needed and the Navy’s history of spills from unsafe pipelines, our first priority continues to be ensuring that all defueling activities are performed safely for the sake of the people and environment of Hawai‘i.”

DOH staff are reviewing both documents and will provide further comment after review.

Click here to read the Navy’s Red Hill defueling plan.

Click here to read the Navy’s command investigation.

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Media Contacts:

Katie Arita-Chang

Communications Office

Email: [email protected]

Phone: (808) 286-4806