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DOH NEWS RELEASE: Hawaii Department of Health cites Paalaa Kai Bakery for operating after issuance of red “closed” placard

Posted on Oct 13, 2015 in Latest Department News, Newsroom, Office of the Governor Press Releases

HONOLULU – The Hawaii State Department of Health (DOH) Sanitation Branch has issued a Notice of Violation Permit Suspension and Order (NVPSO) to Paalaa Kai Bakery located at 66-945 Kaukonahua Road in Waialua. The bakery was cited for allegedly selling food after it was issued a red “closed” placard. A penalty fine of $22,000 has been assessed and the bakery may request a hearing to contest the order.

Paalaa Kai Bakery was issued a red placard and closed by health inspectors on Oct. 6. A subsequent investigation by health inspectors confirmed allegations that the bakery opened on Oct. 7 and conducted sales of baked products after being closed by DOH.

Due to the actions of the bakery, DOH is assessing fines of $12,000 for numerous temperature violations leading up to the posting of a red placard at the bakery and an additional $10,000 for the sale of potentially adulterated food products. Any and all food items produced or held at an establishment after it is closed by health inspectors is considered adulterated as it was held under conditions that may be detrimental to public health.

The temporary suspension of the bakery’s food permit will remain in effect until all cold holding violations have been corrected and verified with a health inspection by DOH. The bakery may request an inspection of the facility to reinstate the permit.


The state’s placarding system for food establishments began on July 21, 2014 and since that time DOH’s Sanitation Branch has completed more than 9,068 inspections statewide under the new program. The vast majority of food establishments in Hawaii are in compliance, meet all health requirements and have their green placard displayed.

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Janice Okubo

Communications Office

Phone: (808) 586-4445