DOT News Release: H-1 Freeway Waimalu Viaduct pavement preservation work has been completed
Posted on Sep 14, 2020 in Latest Department News, NewsroomHONOLULU – The Hawaii Department of Transportation (HDOT) informs Oahu motorists that the pavement preservation project on the H-1 Freeway Waimalu Viaduct has been completed. The stretch of improved roadway includes a 1,300-foot stretch of the H-1 Freeway between the Kaahumanu Street overpass and Kaonohi Street overpass.
To make the improvements, the contractor filled potholes and applied an epoxy surface treatment across the freeway’s five eastbound lanes and seven westbound lanes including shoulders. The epoxy surface treatment technique is the first to be used by HDOT, which incorporates a combination of epoxy binders and aggregates. It is designed to protect the freeway deck and underlying reinforcements, repair damaged spalled deck areas, and provide a uniform surface by covering old lane markings. The epoxied surface has a higher frictional value than the current concrete deck which improves handling and breaking for vehicles and increases the service life of the structure.
“The H-1 Freeway between Pearl City and Halawa remains the most heavily used highway in the state,” said Hawaii Department of Transportation Deputy Director for Highways Ed Sniffen. “After we completed our H-1 Shoulder and PCCP Rehabilitation, we realized we could address the surrounding areas with a low-cost preservation solution that would improve the drive for years to come.”
This project was completed at a cost of $2.86 million and took approximately three weeks of night work to finish. To view pictures of the Waimalu Viaduct improvements, please click the following links.
Photo of the new surface on the H-1 Freeway Waimalu Viaduct.
Photo 1 of crews installing the surface treatment.
Photo 2 of crews installing the surface treatment.
“We’re excited to have another tool for pavement preservation with minimal impact to highway users,” added Sniffen. “The epoxy treatment allows HDOT to protect and extend the life of our pavement surfaces. This will help us tremendously in improving the quality and speed of repairs to our roadways.”
The next location for the epoxy surface treatment is the H-1 Freeway in the Kaimuki area. This work is tentatively scheduled to begin by the end of September 2020. HDOT will notify the public of details when the schedule is finalized.
HDOT thanks the traveling public for their cooperation as we continue to maintain our state roadways.