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Governor David Ige Nominates Two Deputy Directors

Posted on Feb 13, 2015 in Latest Department News, Newsroom, Office of the Governor Press Releases

HONOLULU – Governor David Ige today announced the nomination of two deputy directors to his cabinet. All are subject to confirmation by the Senate.

Joseph Kim has been nominated to be the Deputy Director at the Department of Taxation where he will redeploy his extensive experience in training and commanding U.S. Air Force and Air National Guard personnel into effective administration of the tax laws for the state. Brigadier General Kim has served as the Deputy Adjutant General, Deputy Commander, Hawaii National Guard since 2011, where he ran the day-to-day operations for the State Department of Defense. Prior to that, he commanded the Air National Guard’s largest Wing, a combat ready 1900 person flying organization consisting of three major flying systems and associated support organizations, supporting over 2,500 personnel. He has trained military pilots and aircrews in various locations throughout the United States.

Kim earned an MBA at the City University of Seattle and graduated from the U.S. Air Force Academy with a Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering Mechanics.

“I’m glad that General Kim has agreed to continue to serve the State of Hawaii,” said Governor David Ige. “I’m confident that he will be able to translate his outstanding military record into exceptional results at the Department of Taxation.”

“I’m pleased to be a part of this administration and the Dept. of Taxation team,” Kim said. “I have confidence in Governor Ige’s leadership and in the men and women who ensure that the State’s revenues are collected and accounted for. Together, we can make a difference.”

Keith Yamamoto has been appointed to remain in his current position as the First Deputy Director of the Department of Health, a post he has held since March 2011. He is primarily responsible for overseeing the general administration of the department which includes budget, fiscal, facilities management, human resources, information technology, planning, vital records as well as the District Health Offices on the neighbor islands. Prior to his appointment as First Deputy Director, Yamamoto was the Chief of the Department of Health-Alcohol and Drug Abuse Division; he worked for the Department of Human Services – Office of Youth Services as the Program Development Administrator; and has also managed various school-based vocational education and career development programs for at-risk youth while employed with the State Department of Labor and Industrial Relations.

Yamamoto received a Master’s Degree in Public Administration from the University of Hawaii at Manoa, a Bachelor of Science Degree in Rehabilitation Services from the University of Northern Colorado, and graduated from Pearl City High School.

“Keith Yamamoto has been a valuable leader within the Department of Health,” said Governor David Ige. “He is well respected and has shown he has the skills to move the department forward. I’m pleased that he will be continuing to provide his steady hand to this administration.”

“It’s been a privilege to work with the Department of Health staff over the years,” said Yamamoto. “The hundreds of committed, hard-working employees put the public interest first, and I’m honored to be part of team.”
