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Governor Ige Lauds Outgoing Public Utilities Chair, Hermina ‘Mina’ Morita

Posted on Jan 12, 2015 in Latest Department News, Newsroom, Office of the Governor Press Releases

HONOLULU – Governor David Ige today announced that he has accepted the resignation of Hermina “Mina” Morita from her position as chair of the state’s Public Utilities Commission (PUC).

“For almost two decades, Mina has been the acknowledged leader in the state’s efforts to reduce dependency on imported oil and to develop local, renewable, and clean energy resources,” Ige said when he learned Morita would not seek reappointment.

“Mina has been the driving force, both at the Legislature, where she made her mark as the House Energy Committee chair, and at the PUC, behind the policies that have positioned Hawaii as a national leader in clean energy. She has dedicated her life to creating a better environment and more sustainable communities. I thank Mina for her work. She embodies the values that make Hawaii a special place.”