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Governor Ige’s Statement on the request for voter roll data from the Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity

Posted on Jul 3, 2017 in Latest Department News, Newsroom, Office of the Governor Press Releases

Governor Ige’s Statement on the request for voter roll data from the Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity

“The State of Hawai‘i has received no request for voter roll data from the Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity. Taking a look at what other states have received, I’m skeptical. At this point, we have no assurance that personal information would be secured. It also appears that the commission aims to address voter fraud. By all accounts, incidents of actual voter fraud are extremely rare. I’m concerned this type of investigation would lead to a denial of voter access. When we get the request, I will share my concerns with state and county elections officials.

From what I’ve heard, I don’t think we should share these records.”