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GOVERNOR’S OFFICE NEWS RELEASE: Flags to fly at half-staff in honor of Congressman K. Mark Takai

Posted on Aug 17, 2016 in Latest Department News, Newsroom, Office of the Governor Press Releases


HONOLULU – At the direction of Gov. David Ige, the United States flag and the Hawai‘i state flag will be flown at half-staff at the State Capitol and at all state offices, agencies and the Hawai‘i National Guard in the State of Hawai‘i, from Thursday, Aug. 18, 2016 until sunset on Monday, Aug. 22, 2016 in honor of the late Hawai‘i Congressman and former Hawai‘i State Representative K. Mark Takai.

Rep. Takai will lie in state in the Hawai‘i State Capitol Rotunda on Thursday, Aug. 18, 2016. A memorial service is scheduled for Friday, Aug. 19 and a private interment is scheduled for Aug. 22.

Congressman Takai dedicated his life to public service with 18 years in the Hawai‘i National Guard and a 20-year tenure in the Hawai‘i House of Representatives before he served in the U.S. House of Representatives.

“Mark humbly and effectively served the people of Hawai‘i. In the often tumultuous world of politics, he was a shining example of what it means to be a public servant,” said Gov. Ige.

Rep. Takai died on July 20, 2016 after battling pancreatic cancer. He was 49 years old.


Media Contacts:

Jodi Leong

Deputy Communications Director/Press Secretary

Office of the Governor

Office: 808-586-0043

Mobile: 808-798-3929

[email protected]


Cindy McMillan

Communications Director

Office of the Governor

Office: 808-586-0012

Mobile: 808-265-7974

[email protected]