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Posted on Sep 1, 2015 in Latest Department News, Newsroom, Office of the Governor Press Releases

WHO:             Representative Cindy Evans (North Kona, North Kohala, South Kohala)

WHAT:          Kawaihae Recreational Harbor Community Meeting

WHEN:          Saturday, September 19, 2015

1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.

WHERE:       Kawaihae Canoe Club

Kawaihae Harbor

Honolulu, Hawaii – Representative Cindy Evans will be holding a meeting regarding South Kawaihae Recreational Harbor and North Kawaihae Recreational Harbor on Saturday September 19 from 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. at the Kawaihae Canoe Club.

Officials from the Department of Land and Natural Resources Boating Division will give an overview of the South Kawaihae Harbor and future plans for the North Kawaihae Harbor. Community input is encouraged and there will be a Q & A to follow.

Some of the items that will be discussed are: damages from flooding, anything outstanding with the US Corps of Engineers, the boat ramp for South Boat Harbor, security measures, possibility of mooring buoys at South Boat Harbor, update on road, waterline, and master plan for South Kawaihae Harbor, breakwater at North Kawaihae harbor, needs for North Kawaihae Harbor, and storm water runoff at North Kawaihae Harbor

Working with her Hawaii Island colleagues, Rep. Evans was able to successfully shepherd a $400,000 appropriation this past legislative session for North Kawaihae Boat Harbor.

“This meeting is an opportunity to identify what improvements are needed to make the harbor safe and more functional for the enjoyment of all who enjoy the ocean.  And I strongly encourage the public to come to the meeting to provide their thoughts on issues and priorities they feel are important for the harbor,” said Representative Evans.

Representative Cindy Evans serves as House Majority Floor Leader and represents House District 7 (North Kona, South Kohala, and North Kohala).


William Nhieu

Assistant Director of Communications

Hawaii House of Representatives – Majority

Office: 808-587-7242

[email protected]