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HAWAII HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES NEWS RELEASE: Waipahu legislator credits community for easing impact of rail construction

Posted on Sep 22, 2015 in Latest Department News, Newsroom, Office of the Governor Press Releases

Honolulu, Hawaii – State Department of Transportation (DOT) and Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transit (HART) officials today announced an access solution for businesses and residents isolated due to rail construction along sections of Farrington Highway.

“This solution is the culmination of hard work by everyone involved.  But ultimately it was the community and businesses who, rightly, brought attention and voices to the issue and got it fixed,” said Aquino.

“Without their persistence and determination there might be no access solution and nothing to celebrate today.  This is just the first step in a long process that will play out in several more of our neighborhoods.  I hope that what was accomplished today for the businesses and residents in Waipahu will be used as a model for rail officials as construction moves to other parts of the city,” Aquino said.

Nearly two dozen businesses and about 200 residents in apartments and homes in the area now have a left turn access into the commercial/residential complex along the rail route.

Rep. Henry Aquino (Waipahu) started discussions with the DOT, HART and rail contractor Kiewit in March to find a solution to the access problem along Farrington Highway that caused businesses in the area to lose significant amount of revenue and business.


Carolyn Tanaka

Director of Communications

Hawaii House of Representatives

Direct Line:  (808) 586-6133

Cell:                (808) 381-7752

[email protected]