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HAWAII STATE JUDICIARY NEWS RELEASE: Hale Kaulike Employee Tests Positive for COVID-19

Posted on Dec 14, 2020 in Latest Department News, Newsroom

HILO, Hawaii — An employee at the Hale Kaulike Courthouse has tested positive for COVID-19, the Hawaii State Judiciary announced today.

The employee, who was asymptomatic, was last at work the morning of Dec. 11 and took a COVID-19 test that afternoon after a close contact outside of work tested positive. A confirmed positive test result was received Sunday. The employee, who remains asymptomatic, did not work in a courtroom or with the public on Friday. The individual had limited contact with a few coworkers, all of whom wore face masks during their interactions. The Department of Health was consulted and conducted contact tracing.

The areas where this person works are cleaned regularly. Out of an abundance of caution, they received additional disinfecting with electrostatic sprayers.

The courthouse remains open for those with official court business.

Link to web story

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Media contact:

Jan Kagehiro

Communications & Community Relations Director

Hawaii State Judiciary

417 S. King St. Suite 212

Honolulu, HI  96813

Office:  808-539-4914

Mobile:  808-260-5423