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GOVERNOR’S OFFICE NEWS RELEASE: Kaua‘i County sees seven percent decrease in homeless count

Posted on May 10, 2017 in Latest Department News, Newsroom, Office of the Governor Press Releases

HONOLULU –  Gov. David Ige announced today the homeless population across the state decreased for the first time in eight years. The annual Point in Time count—a census of people experiencing homelessness—showed a nine percent  decrease in the number of homeless individuals across the state.

This year’s count found 7,220 homeless individuals across Hawai‘i compared to 7,921 in 2016.

Kaua‘i County saw a seven percent decline in its homeless population compared to the same period last year.

“The seven percent drop on Kaua‘i is great news. As we’ve identified partners, we’ve provided grant funds to produce more affordable housing and homeless shelters. All of the city, state and federal partners working together have made a tremendous difference,” said Gov. Ige.

Hawai‘i County saw a 32 percent decline in homeless individuals and Maui County saw a 22 percent decrease compared to 2016. O‘ahu saw a half percent increase in homeless individuals.

“I commend the many partners who have gotten out of their silos, come to the table and rolled up their sleeves. Together, we are finding more efficient ways to move people off the streets and into homes. This report is proof that our collective efforts are working,” said Gov. Ige. “While today’s news indicates that the tide has turned, there is more to do. My administration remains focused on increasing affordable housing and reducing homelessness in the State of Hawai‘i.”

A link to the overview of Point in Time’s full report, compiled by Hawai‘i’s two Continuums of Care—Bridging the Gap and Partners in Care—can be found on the governor’s website at


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Office of the Governor

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Office of the Governor

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