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ATG NEWS RELEASE: Attorney General Chin strongly supports Governor David Ige’s initiative to fight opioid abuse

Posted on Jul 12, 2017 in Latest Department News

HONOLULU – Earlier today Attorney General Doug Chin joined Governor David Ige, Director of Health Dr. Virginia Pressler, representatives from the Department of Human Services, the Department of Public Safety, and stakeholders from across the state to kick off a statewide collaborative effort to address opioid abuse and deaths in Hawaii.

Following today’s meetings, Attorney General Doug Chin issued the following statement: “During my time as Attorney General one issue that has united my colleagues nationwide – regardless of party affiliation – has been the fight against opioid abuse. It is discussed passionately at every meeting of attorneys general I attend.

I am grateful to Governor Ige for his vision in bringing multiple state departments together to address this issue holistically. And I am heartened by the Department of Health’s success in winning millions of dollars in federal grants over the course of the last year to directly address this issue.

The State of Hawaii is carefully examining the potential legal liability for opioid manufacturers. Steve Levins, Executive Director of the Office of Consumer Protection, and I are actively working together on this issue. This will be part of the statewide collaborative effort.”

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For more information, contact:

Joshua A. Wisch

Special Assistant to the Attorney General

Phone: (808) 586-1284



Twitter: @ATGHIgov