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ATG NEWS RELEASE: Honolulu hosts meeting of western state attorneys general this week

Posted on Mar 13, 2017 in Latest Department News

HONOLULU – The Conference of Western Attorneys General (CWAG) is holding its 2017 Chair’s Initiative and Western Pacific AG Summit in Honolulu this week. The meeting will run from March 14th – 16th at the Royal Hawaiian Hotel.

Attorney General Doug Chin, who currently serves as Chair of CWAG, said, “It is an honor to host this meeting in Honolulu. We are excited to have panels that focus on issues important to the Pacific islands, as well as panels focused on renewable energy, sustainability, and open government. With a bipartisan group of 17 Attorneys General attending from jurisdictions across the country and the Pacific islands, we look forward to vibrant discussions of how states can lead the way on issues that matter so much to all of us.”

Moderators and panelists throughout the three days of meetings will include a wide array of attorneys general, foreign officials, state elected officials, state directors, federal officials, law enforcement, and academics and experts in a variety of subject areas. All of the panel discussions will be live-streamed and members of the press will have access to all public meetings at no charge. CWAG does ask media representatives to pick up a press badge at the registration table.

The full agenda for the meeting can be found on CWAG’s website at this address:

CWAG is a bipartisan group whose primary function is to provide a forum for chief legal officers of member states and jurisdictions to cultivate knowledge, cooperate on concerns and coordinate actions which improve the quality of legal services available to members. CWAG focuses on common areas of interest to the west: water, fish and wildlife, public lands, minerals, environmental protection and Indian Law. Interest in the organization has been generated from states, countries and individuals from outside the west due to the evolution of the law on these matters and the universality of many of these issues.

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For more information, contact:

Joshua A. Wisch

Special Assistant to the Attorney General

Phone: (808) 586-1284



Twitter: @ATGHIgov