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DLNR Joint News Release – 2,317 Acres At Waikapuna Conserved, December 16, 2019

Posted on Dec 16, 2019 in Latest Department News, Office of the Governor Press Releases

NA‘ALEHU, HAWAI‘I ISLAND. –The Ala Kahakai Trail Association (ATA), State of Hawai‘i Department of Land
and Natural Resources’ Legacy Land Conservation Program (LLCP), Ka‘ū Mahi LLC, and The Trust Public Land,
announced today the voluntary sale and acquisition of 2,317 acres known as Waikapuna located in
Kāhilipalinui and Kāhilipali‘iki ahupua‘a, Ka‘ū Moku, Hawai‘i Island. The County of Hawai‘i’s Public Access,

Open Space, and Natural Resources Preservation (PONC) Program granted $4 million, and the State LLCP
granted $2 million, to ATA to purchase the land (facilitated by The Trust for Public Land), which is now
encumbered by a perpetual conservation easement owned by the County restricting the land to agricultural
and cultural preservation uses. This is the first conservation easement purchased by the County under the
PONC program.

“This purchase conserves over 2.3 miles of the Ala Kahakai National Historic Trail or ala loa, the ancient fishing
village of Waikapuna, and hundreds of intact pre‐contact Native Hawaiian cultural sites. This land holds
special meaning for Native Hawaiians as it is the place where noted Hawaiian scholar Mary Kawena Pukui
spent her summers as a child, and where she learned the traditions and knowledge that formed the basis of
her book, ‘The Polynesian Family System in Ka‘ū.’ As the new steward of the land, ATA can preserve both our
ancient history and the paniolo heritage of ranching in Ka‘ū,” said Keoni Fox, Director, Ala Kahakai Trail
Association. “We look forward to working closely with Ka‘ū families to mālama this special ‘āina and cultural
legacy for future generations.”

The purchase price for the property was $6 million, with the landowner donating approximately $1.3 million in
value. “We want to thank the landowner Ka’ū Mahi, LLC for being patient and working closely with us on this
conservation purchase. We could not have conserved this agricultural and cultural treasure for the people of
Hawai‘i without the landowner’s generosity and flexibility,” said Lea Hong, Hawaiian Islands State Director,
The Trust for Public Land. “We are humbled to have been part of this community effort to conserve these
special lands,” stated Byron Levkulich, Board Member, Ka’ū Mahi, LLC, the seller of the land.

In addition to protecting important cultural sites and scenic portions of the Ala Kahakai National Historic Trail,
the property also includes sea cliffs and caves that are nesting areas for seabirds like the Noio or Hawaiian
black noddy. “Waikapuna has it all – cultural significance and incredible coastal natural resources. We are
pleased that the Legacy Land Conservation Program contributed to the preservation of this land. The Legacy
Program has created a tremendous legacy for Hawai‘i in its nearly 15years,” said Suzanne Case, Chair of the
Dept. of Land and Natural Resources.

The Ka‘ū community has been working for decades to protect their beloved 80 mile coast to honor their
kūpuna and empower future generations to perpetuate their rural, subsistence lifestyle. The Waikapuna
purchase is the first among five conservation projects to close, including Kawala (conservation easement only),
Manaka‘a Fishing Village, Kiolaka‘a, and Kaunamano, which are pending. All five projects would conserve over
6,000 acres of coastline, cultural sites, and pasture land, and connect over 10 miles of the Ala Kahakai National
Historic Trail.

About the County of Hawai‘i’s Public Access, Open Space, and Natural Resources Preservation Fund
The Public Access, Open Space, and Natural Resources Preservation Funds is used to acquire land or
easements for public outdoor recreation and education, including mauka/makai access, historic or culturally
important areas and sites, natural resource, significant habitat or eco‐systems, forests, beaches, coastal areas,
natural beautify, agricultural lands, and watersheds.

About the Legacy Land Conservation Program
The Legacy Land Conservation Program provides grants to community organizations and government agencies
that strive to purchase and protect land that shelters exceptional, unique, threatened, and endangered

About the Ala Kahakai Trail Association
The Ala Kahakai Trail Association (ATA) helps to connect the Ala Kahakai National Historic Trail (“Trail”) to the
community and ensures that Hawaiian values and principles are acknowledged and practiced. We foster
partnerships with the Trail and help guide the management and sustainment of the Trail. Our vision is that the
Trail is a viable, appropriately‐used and managed trail that follows the path of our ancestors – creating a
bridge of understanding, respect and balance for all to use, protect, learn from and appreciate.

About The Trust for Public Land
The Trust for Public Land creates parks and protects land for people, ensuring healthy, livable communities for
generations to come. Millions of people live near a Trust for Public Land park, garden, or natural area, and
millions more visit these sites every year. To support The Trust for Public Land and share why nature matters
to you, visit # # #