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DLNR News Release-Another Illegal Outdoor Party Being Promoted on Social Media, June 12, 2020

Posted on Jun 12, 2020 in Latest Department News

(Honolulu) – The DLNR Division of Conservation and Resources Enforcement (DOCARE) has again received reports of another party being promoted on social media at the Kāneʻohe sandbar (Ahu O Laka) for this weekend.

DOCARE Chief Jason Redulla said, “This is irresponsible and it’s potentially dangerous because of COVID-19 considerations. The postings are promoting illegal activity due to the number of people they suggest may be involved. Violations of boating rules, alcohol related laws and emergency rules and orders will be enforced by DOCARE officers.

O‘ahu has seen a spike in coronavirus cases the last few days and health experts say precautions, like social distancing and wearing masks while around other must continue to keep the infection curve flat. Redulla added, “Encouraging others to gather in a party like atmosphere, at a place that is limited in space, does not help the situation. It causes us to divert enforcement resources to monitor situations like these. No one should be promoting these types of activities or parties.”

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(All images/video courtesy: DLNR)

HD video – DOCARE patrols (May 25, 2020):

Photographs – DOCARE patrols (May 25, 2020):


Media Contact:

Dan Dennison
Senior Communications Manager
(808) 587-0396
[email protected]