DLNR News Release-Becoming an Outdoor Woman Program to Debut in Hawaii, June 4, 2019
Posted on Jun 5, 2019 in Latest Department News(Honolulu) – A nationally acclaimed program that teaches women a wide variety of outdoor skills is coming to Hawai‘I for the first-time ever this fall. The DLNR Hunter Education Program and the Safari Club International-Hawai‘i Chapter are hosting the inaugural Becoming an Outdoors Woman (BOW) workshop, September 6-8, 2019 at the Gilbert Kahele Recreation Area on Hawai‘i Island.
BOW is a non-profit, educational program offering hands-on outdoor skills workshops, which focus on introductory level hunting, fishing, and non-harvest activities for adult women. With Hawai‘i added, 39 states and six Canadian provinces now offer workshops each year, attended by tens of thousands of women.
Andrew Choy, the coordinator of hunter education through the DLNR Division of Conservation and Resources Enforcement (DOCARE) said, “We want to promote a supportive environment conducive to learning, making friends, and having fun. No experience is necessary, and the program is designed for women of all fitness levels. BOW is for you if you’ve never tried these fun and educational activities or if you want to improve some of your existing outdoor skills.”
Participants can choose which activities they like for morning and afternoon sessions. This year’s class options include: Firearms Safety and Handling, Fishing, Backpacking Basics and Outdoor Survival, Outdoor Photography, Archery, Knife Making, Outdoor First Aid, Kayaking, Beginning, Rifle and Handgun, Hiking in Hawai’i, Horseback Riding and ATV, Beginner Shotgun and Sporting Clays, and Native Plants and Lei Making.
This three-day workshop begins on the afternoon of Friday, September 6th and ends early afternoon, Sunday, September 8th. While many of the daytime activities will occur off-site at various locations on the island; lodging, meals, and nighttime activities will occur within the bunkhouse, dining room, and cabins at the Gilbert Kahele Recreation Area.
The registration fee of $250 includes two-nights lodging, all meals, transportation to activities, equipment and materials. Shuttle service from/to the Kona International Airport is available. There are only 45 spaces available for women 18 years or older, so you’re encouraged to register soon.
Contact the Hunter Education Program at (808) 587-0200 or hawaiihuntered@hawaii.gov for more information and to request a registration packet.
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Media Contact:
Dan Dennison
Senior Communications Manager
(808) 587-0396