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DLNR NEWS RELEASE: California/Nevada/Hawai’i Wildland Fire Conference meeting on Kaua’i April 13-15

Posted on Apr 13, 2016 in Latest Department News

HONOLULU – As wildfire response agencies are gearing up for a busy wildland fire season, managers from three states are meeting on Kaua‘i this week at the California, Nevada, and Hawai‘i Wildland Fire Conference 2016. This year the conference is being hosted on April 13-15, 2016 by the Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR) Division of Forestry and Wildlife (DOFAW) Hawai‘i Fire Management Program, at the Sheraton Kaua‘i Resort.  The event is geared for firefighting agencies at all levels of government to promote professional wildland fire management practices that protect lives and property, and enhance natural resource values.

Among the topics of discussion will be presentations by representatives of: the National Weather Service on the El Nino season and effects on fire conditions in Hawai‘i; Pacific Fire Exchange on challenges to rapid wildfire containment in Hawai‘i, and the Hawai‘i Wildfire Management Organization, which is conducting outreach across the state to help communities prepare preventive action plans for protection against wildfires. There will also be agency updates from state, county and federal firefighting agencies.

The mission of the DOFAW Fire Management Program is to provide protection to state forest reserves, state natural area reserves, state wildlife and plant sanctuaries and state public hunting areas. DOFAW may cooperate with established fire control agencies to assist in protecting other non-state wildlands as needed to provide for public safety.

DOFAW plays a pivotal role in protecting the state’s watersheds and unique forest resources, i.e. forest products, and threatened and endangered species. Because wildfire is a threat to Hawai‘i’s economy, people and natural resources, all levels of government have established fire services to guard against the ravages of uncontrolled wildfires.  For further information about the DOFAW Fire Management Program go to

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Media Contact:

Deborah Ward

DLNR Communications specialist

Phone: (808) 587-0320