DLNR NEWS RELEASE: Community invited to open house to discuss updates to the Ha’ena State Park master plan
Posted on Jul 15, 2016 in Latest Department News
HONOLULU — Interested community members are invited to an open house at Ha‘ena State Park to discuss changes and updates to the draft master plan and environmental impact statement (EIS) on Saturday, July 23, 2016. The Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR), State Parks Division and members of the Ha‘ena State Park Community Advisory Committee (CAC) will host the open house forum so people can visit the site and see the location and scale of proposed park facilities and infrastructure.
To provide ample time for in-depth discussion, visitation and question-answer sessions, park staff and CAC members will be available from 10 a.m. until 3 p.m.
In response to comments from previous community meetings, the main changes from the August 2015 plan are as follows:
- The education center and caretaker’s cottage have been deleted. A smaller welcome hale is all that will be located at the entrance and is envisioned as a thatched open, traditional Hawaiian hale.
- New restrooms for men and women (located to the right of the welcome hale, but separate).
- The interpretive path is now a pedestrian only path and its alignment is shifted mauka near Kē‘ē to better direct people towards the beach areas overseen by the lifeguards.
More information, including updated plans and summaries, will be posted on the Hawaii State Parks website soon at https://dlnr.hawaii.gov/dsp/.
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Media contact:
Deborah Ward
DLNR Communications specialist
Phone: (808) 587-0320