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DLNR News Release-DLNR Announces 2019 Black-Tailed Deer Season On Kaua’i, June 5, 2019

Posted on Jun 6, 2019 in Latest Department News

(Līhuʻe) – Deer hunting enthusiasts can now apply to hunt as the Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR), Division of Forestry and Wildlife (DOFAW) announce the opening of the black-tailed deer hunting season on the island of Kauai. Rules and conditions regulating game mammal hunting in Title 13, Chapter 123 will be in effect.


Unit L will be open to archery and muzzle-load hunting of black-tailed deer and feral pig.  Maps showing the hunting area boundaries and hunter checking stations are available at the Līhuʻe

DOFAW office and west Kauai hunter checking stations.

ARCHERY ONLY SEASON:  Resident archers interested in hunting in Units D, F, J, K and L for black-tailed deer will be charged $5.00 for their deer archery tag ($25.00 non-resident hunter). The deer archery season will be in Hunting Unit F, from September 1st through December 31, 2019 on Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays, Mondays and state holidays.  Archery hunting in Unit J and K is from September 1st through December 31, 2019 on Saturday, Sundays and state holidays only.  Unit L archery season will start on July 1st thru August 31, 2019 on Saturday and Sundays ONLY. Archery permits are now available in the Līhuʻe DOFAW office at 3060 ‘Eiwa St., Room 306.  Hunters must present their 2019-20 Hawaii hunting license in order to obtain a deer archery permit.

MUZZLELOADER ONLY SEASON:  The deer muzzleloader tag season will be in Hunting Units A, B and L on September 7-8, 2019. Kauai residents may acquire their permits at the Līhuʻe DOFAW office at 3060 Eiwa St., Rm. 306, and must present their 2019-20 Hawaii hunting license when obtaining their permit. Permits will be $5.00 for resident and $25.00 for non-residents.

REGULAR RIFLE SEASON:  The regular rifle tag season for deer will be in Hunting Units A, B and Unit L for seven (7) consecutive weekends beginning on September 14th and ending October 28, 2019.  Applications for the 2019 Kauai Deer Rifle season are now available at all DOFAW  offices and participating hunting license dealers on the island of Kauai.  Each Hawai‘i resident hunter will be charged $15.00 which includes processing the lottery application and rifle tag ($30.00 for non-resident hunter). Each hunter applicant will be drawn for two (2) weekends; one weekend in Unit A or Unit L and one weekend in Unit B.

Hunting Units E-1, E-2 and H: Permits for year-round hunting of black-tailed deer in Units E-1, E-2 and H are now available in the Līhuʻe DOFAW office. The permit allows the taking of deer of either sex, feral pig and feral goat. There is a $10.00 annual fee for resident hunters and $25.00 for non-resident hunters.

The application deadline for the regular deer rifle tag season is 3:30 p.m. Friday, August 2, 2019.  The public drawing will be held at the Līhuʻe State office building, second floor conference room 209 on Wednesday, August 17, 2019 at 4:00 p.m. Lottery results will not be given over the telephone. Hunters are encouraged to attend the open drawing to determine the results or wait for their validated tags to be mailed to them. The Līhuʻe DOFAW office will post the results after the drawing.

For more information, please call the nearest DOFAW office on your island:

Kauai  274-3433         Oahu  587-0166         Maui          984-8100      Molokai   533-1745

Lanai  565-7916         Hilo      933-4221         Kamuela    887-6063


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For additional details on 2019 black-tailed deer hunting rules on Kaua’i:

For hunt details go to the DOFAW website:


Media contact:

AJ McWhorter

Communications Specialist

Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources

808-587-0396 (Communications Office)