DOH NEWS RELEASE: Hawaii Department of Health update on mumps
Posted on Jun 5, 2017 in Latest Department News
HONOLULU – The Hawaii State Department of Health (DOH) has confirmed eight (8) additional cases of Oahu residents with mumps bringing the total number of cases in 2017 to 89. The recently confirmed cases include children and adults. None of the individuals required hospitalization and all have recovered or are recovering.
The department expects to see more cases of mumps in Hawaii as the viral disease is highly contagious and circulating on Oahu. Information on case numbers is updated regularly at
The DOH is recommending all adults born in or after 1957, without evidence of immunity to mumps, who cannot verify previous MMR vaccination, should receive at least one MMR vaccine dose. Individuals with only one documented MMR dose, are strongly encouraged to consider receiving a second MMR vaccine dose.
MMR vaccine is available at local pharmacies across the state. To locate a vaccinating pharmacy, go to or call the Aloha United Way information and referral line at 2-1-1.
Additional information about mumps and the ongoing investigation can be found on the DOH website at
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Gail Ogawa
Disease Outbreak Control Division
Phone: (808) 586-8358