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DOH NEWS RELEASE: Public informational meeting and noise variance consultation scheduled for state’s Pali Highway Improvement Projects and City’s Dowsett Highlands Relief Sewer Project

Posted on Jul 14, 2017 in Latest Department News

HONOLULU – The Hawaii Department of Transportation (HDOT) and the City and County of Honolulu will be holding a Public Informational Meeting to inform the public of construction work for three projects along the Pali Highway from Vineyard Boulevard to Kamehameha Highway. The meeting will also serve as a noise variance consultation to gather public comments regarding proposed night and weekend work. The collaboration between the State and City will allow for joint scheduling, planning, coordination, and public messaging for these projects which will help minimize impacts on local communities and commuters.

The meeting is scheduled at the following location and time:

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

Nuuanu Elementary School Cafeteria

3055 Puiwa Lane, Honolulu 96817

The first of the three projects is HDOT’s Pali Highway – Street Lighting from Vineyard Boulevard to Kamehameha Highway and Resurfacing from Waokanaka Street to Kamehameha Highway. This project will replace the lighting system between Vineyard Boulevard and Kamehameha Highway which involves replacing all light poles, conduits, and wiring and installing LED lighting fixtures. The resurfacing of the Pali Highway between Waokanaka Street to Kamehameha Highway will be done concurrently with the second project, the City’s Dowsett Highlands Relief Sewer project.

The Dowsett Highlands Relief Sewer project will take advantage of the traffic control devices already in place from the State’s lighting replacement work as City crews install new sewer mains in Nuuanu Valley along the Pali Highway, Dowsett Avenue, and Nuuanu Avenue. The new sewer mains will allow for an increase in sewer flow capacity and easier routine maintenance and repairs.

Once the sewer project is complete, the final project will begin which is HDOT’s Pali Highway Resurfacing – Vineyard Boulevard to Waokanaka Street. This project will create a smooth riding surface for motorists.

The first project is anticipated to begin at the end of 2017, and the final project is slated to begin in Winter 2018 and be completed two years after the start of construction, weather permitting. Work on both phases may overlap.

The informational meeting is accessible for individuals with disabilities. For more information or to request an auxiliary aid or service (e.g., sign language, interpreter, specific language interpreter, designated parking, and materials in alternate format), contact Ms. Mel Chung at (808) 692-7545 or and by July 19, 2017.

For more information on HDOT and the City’s collaboration and the three projects, please click here.

For a map of the project areas, please click here.
