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DOT NEWS RELEASE: Public informational meeting for Wahiawa pedestrian bridge project

Posted on Feb 12, 2020 in Latest Department News

HONOLULU – The Hawaii Department of Transportation (HDOT), Highways Division, invites the community to an informational meeting regarding a proposed pedestrian bridge between Whitmore Village and Wahiawa Town.

The meeting is scheduled at the following time and location:

Wednesday, February 26, 2020
6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Helemano Elementary School Cafeteria
1001 Ihi Ihi Avenue
Wahiawa, Hawaii 96786

The proposed project is to create an additional multimodal connector from Whitmore Village to the Wahiawa Transit Center. This would consist of constructing a shared use bicycle/pedestrian facility from Whitmore Village to Wahiawa Town, which includes a new non-vehicular bridge over Kiikii stream. The purpose of the meeting is to apprise the public about the project, to solicit input on the design and site selection process, and any issues (e.g. environmental, social) that are important to the community. Work on this project is currently in the environmental compliance and preliminary engineering phase.

View a diagram of the proposed project locations here.

The meeting is accessible for individuals with disabilities. To request language interpretation, an auxiliary aid or special services (e.g. sign language interpreter, accessible parking, materials in alternate format), please contact Ms. Holly Yuen prior to the meeting date. Please submit requests in a timely manner to allow an adequate period to fulfill requests.

Ms. Holly Yuen, Project Manager
HDOT Highways Division
869 Punchbowl Street
Honolulu, HI 96813

Text telephone (TTY) users may use the telecommunication relay service (TRS) to contact HDOT.

Upon request, this notice is available in alternate formats such as large print, braille, or electronic copy.
