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DOT News Release: Six COVID-19 cases confirmed on the Pride of America

Posted on Apr 8, 2020 in Latest Department News

HONOLULU – The Hawaii Department of Transportation (HDOT) informs the public it has received confirmation from the Hawaii Department of Health (DOH) that six crewmembers on board the Pride of America cruise ship have tested positive for COVID-19. Two of the crewmembers have been taken to the hospital for medical treatment. The other cases have been isolated on the ship.

There are approximately 500 crewmembers on board. Precautionary measures have been taken including separating crewmembers to follow social distancing guidelines.

The Pride of America is docked at Honolulu Harbor and has not had passengers on board since March 14, 2020, when cruise ships temporarily suspended operations.

The DOH is coordinating with the vessel leadership and following Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidance when allowing healthy crewmembers to leave the ship to immediately depart to their home state. Those who are leaving the state are required to wear masks while traveling. DOH is working with the CDC to notify the respective states regarding these individuals who will be required to remain in home quarantine for 14 days upon arrival at their final destination.

The Pride of America is the only cruise ship that has a home port in Hawaii. During normal operations it visits the counties, but does not leave the state. It is scheduled to depart Hawaii later this month to enter dry dock. Crewmembers will remain with the ship when it departs.