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DOTAX NEWS RELEASE: Tax System Modernization Coming Soon

Posted on Jul 22, 2016 in Latest Department News

HONOLULU – The Department of Taxation is pleased to announce the second rollout of Tax System Modernization (TSM) which will go live on August 15, 2016. The General Excise and Transient Accommodations Tax are among the business taxes converted in the second rollout.
TSM is the Department’s new tax information system which will be fully implemented by 2020.

Information about the conversion to the new tax information system will be mailed to over 330,000 General Excise and Transient Accommodations taxpayers by the end of July. The letter will highlight the transition to the new tax information system, including the launch of a new website Hawaii Tax Online on August 15, 2016. New services available to business taxpayers include the ability to access and update their own tax account, quicker tax filing and payment options, secure messaging to Taxpayer Services staff, and authorized third-party access to their tax account.

By the end of August, General Excise and Transient Accommodations taxpayers will receive their new Hawaii Tax Identification Numbers. The new Hawaii Tax ID licenses should replace the old licenses and be visibly displayed at all business locations.

To accomplish the conversion to the new tax information system, the Department will have limited access to taxpayer accounts on August 11-12, 2016. For that reason, although all of the Department’s District Tax Offices will be open to serve the public, services may be limited. We apologize in advance for the inconvenience this may cause taxpayers.

For more information about Tax System Modernization, please visit our website at

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Media Contact:
Mallory Fujitani
Public Information Officer
Department of Taxation
Phone: (808) 587-1481