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Governor’s Office – Gov. Ige’s statement on the Hawaiʻi Department of Education’s efforts to further help suppress the spread of COVID-19

Posted on Mar 19, 2020 in Latest Department News, Office of the Governor Press Releases

Governor David Ige’s statement on the Hawaiʻi Department of Education’s efforts to further help suppress the spread of COVID-19

“I commend and fully support the Hawaiʻi Department of Education (DOE) for furthering the state’s efforts to implement social distancing. These are challenging decisions being made every day across the state but are essential to help mitigate the spread of COVID-19.

“Educating Hawaiʻi’s students remain our top priority. And we know that in addition to providing a positive learning environment, schools also provide a safe place for our keiki.

“As decisions for extension and closures are being announced, I’m very pleased that the DOE has a plan in place to continue providing meals to our students, especially to those who need it most. The comprehensive plan will help communities from Kaʻū to Kapaʻa. I encourage parents to check the DOE website for details on the meals programs.

“The situation is constantly changing, and the DOE will be adjusting its plans to meet the changing conditions and address issues, such as opportunities for distance learning, special needs students and graduation.

“I want to thank the Board, DOE, parents, students and the community for their understanding as we work though this difficult time. We will get through this crisis if we continue to work together as a community.”


Media Contact:

Cindy McMillan
Communications Director
Office of the Governor
Office: 808-586-0012
Mobile: 808-265-7974
[email protected]