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Governor’s Office – News Release: Gov. Ige extends stay-at-home order across the state through May 31

Posted on Apr 25, 2020 in COVID-19 News Releases, Latest Department News, Office of the Governor Press Releases

Governor Ige extends stay-at-home order across the state through May 31

Mandatory 14-day quarantine for travelers, eviction moratorium also continue

HONOLULU – Gov. David Ige signed a 6th supplementary emergency proclamation extending the stay-at-home order across the state through May 31.

“This was not an easy decision. I know this has been difficult for everyone. Businesses need to reopen. People want to end this self-isolation and we want to return to normal,” said Gov. Ige. “But this virus is potentially deadly, especially for the elderly and those with pre-existing conditions. Thanks to our residents, we are flattening the curve, saving lives, and avoiding a resurgence of this virus by not reopening prematurely.”

The stay-at-home order means residents may leave their homes only for various essential needs, including healthcare, purchasing food, medicine, gasoline, taking care of the elderly, minors, or those with disabilities, returning to a place of residence outside of Hawai‘i, picking up educational materials for distance learning, receiving meals or other related services. Outdoor exercise is also permitted – including swimming, surfing and walking pets.

In addition, running, jogging or walking on the beach will be permitted, as long as social distancing requirements are observed.

Also extended through the end of May — the 14-day quarantine for both visitors and residents entering the state and for inter-island travelers.

The eviction moratorium, which prevents any eviction from a residential dwelling for failure to pay rent, also remains in effect through May 31.

In addition, social distancing requirements remain in place across the state through the end of May.

Gov. Ige issued the initial emergency proclamation for COVID-19 on Mar. 4, 2020 followed by:

  • Mar. 16: Supplementary proclamation suspending certain laws to enable state and county responses to COVID-19
  • Mar. 21: Second supplementary proclamation implementing mandatory 14-day self-quarantine for visitors and residents entering the State of Hawai‘i
  • Mar. 23: Third supplementary proclamation mandating social distancing measures throughout the state
  • Mar. 31: Fourth supplementary proclamation implementing a mandatory 14-day self-quarantine for people traveling between the islands in the State of Hawai‘i
  • Apr. 16: Fifth supplementary proclamation implementing enhanced social distancing requirements and an eviction moratorium


Media Contacts:

Jodi Leong
Deputy Communications Director/Press Secretary
Office of the Governor
Office: 808-586-0043
[email protected]


Cindy McMillan
Communications Director
Office of the Governor
Office: 808-586-0012
[email protected]