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Governor’s Office – News Release – Governor Ige signs supplementary proclamation to extend emergency assistance related to Hurricane Lane

Posted on Aug 28, 2018 in Latest Department News, Office of the Governor Press Releases

HONOLULU – Gov. David Ige has signed a supplementary proclamation to extend relief for disaster damages resulting from Hurricane Lane.

While the hurricane weakened rapidly on Friday, Aug. 24, the storm’s moisture was spread over a greater area and resulted in prolonged periods of slow moving, heavy rain that continues to impact the state. In addition, high winds from the storm spread and expanded wildfires in the County of Maui and the City and County of Honolulu.

The supplemental proclamation issued today is effective through Oct. 27, 2018. The governor issued the first emergency proclamation for Hurricane Lane on August 21, 2018. Gov. Ige’s request for a Presidential Disaster Declaration for the State of Hawai‘i was approved on August 22, 2018.


Media Contacts:
Jodi Leong
Deputy Communications Director/Press Secretary
Office of the Governor
Office: 808-586-0043
Mobile: 808-798-3929
[email protected]

Cindy McMillan
Communications Director
Office of the Governor
Office: 808-586-0012
Mobile: 808-265-7974
[email protected]