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Governor’s Office – News Release – President approves Governor Ige’s request for disaster declaration for public assistance for severe flooding and landslides on Kauaʻi and Oʻahu

Posted on May 8, 2018 in Latest Department News, Office of the Governor Press Releases

HONOLULU – Gov. David Ige announced today that the president has approved a Major Disaster Declaration for public assistance for damage incurred as a result of severe storms, flooding, landslides and mudslides on Kaua‘i and O‘ahu between April 13 and April 16, 2018. The approval paves the way for assistance with emergency work and the repair and replacement of disaster-damaged public facilities in the City and County of Honolulu and Kauaʻi County.

The request for individual assistance is under review.

“I want to thank our FEMA partners for their on-the-ground assistance and rapid response to this request. I have spoken with mayors Caldwell and Carvalho to let them know help is on the way,” said Gov. David Ige.

Gov. Ige submitted the request on May 2 following a Joint Preliminary Damage Assessment completed by state, county and federal agencies.

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Jodi Leong

Deputy Communications Director/Press Secretary

Office of the Governor

Office: 808-586-0043

Mobile: 808-798-3929

[email protected]


Cindy McMillan

Communications Director

Office of the Governor

Office: 808-586-0012

Mobile: 808-265-7974

[email protected]