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Hawaii COVID-19 Joint Information Center Daily News Digest, July 10, 2020

Posted on Jul 10, 2020 in Latest Department News

Governors Office:
Governor Ige’s Statement About Ongoing COVID-19 Planning with Mayors
“The mayors and I have had productive meetings this week about the pre-travel testing program. We are assessing the current situation in Hawaiʻi and on the mainland, and we’ll make an announcement when we are satisfied that the plans will protect the health and safety of our residents and guests.”

Department of Health:
28 New Cases of COVID-19 in Hawai‘i
The majority of coronavirus cases being reported over the past few weeks are associated with clusters – meaning people were infected by others in groups or at gatherings (more on gym clusters below). Today DOH reports 28 additional cases of COVID-19 with 25 on O‘ahu, one (1) on Hawai‘i Island, one (1) on Maui, and one (1) resident diagnosed outside of Hawai‘i. 22 of the newly reported cases are residents, two (2) are non-residents, and the residency of four (4) is unknown at this time.

Hawai‘i COVID-19 Counts as of 12:00 noon, July 10, 2020

Island of Diagnosis New Cases Reported since


(including new cases)

Total Released from Isolation*
O‘ahu 25 867 606
Hawai‘i 1 98 89
Maui 1 129 114
Kaua‘i 0 43 36
Moloka‘i 0 2 2
Lana‘i 0 0 0
Residents Diagnosed outside HI 1 19  
Unknown Residency 0 0  
Total 28 1158  
Total released from isolation   847
Deaths 0 19  

* Includes cases that meet isolation release criteria.  


Laboratory* Testing Data
There were 1,639 additional COVID-19 tests reported via electronic laboratory reporting

Total Number of Individuals Tested

by Clinical and State Laboratories

Positive Negative
92,234** 1,156 91,064

*Electronic Laboratory Reporting  **15 test results were inconclusive

For more tables, charts and visualizations visit the DOH Disease Outbreak Control Division:

Gyms and Patrons Encouraged to Practice Safety After Recent COVID Clusters
Contact tracing by the Dept. of Health has uncovered a total of 17 cases to-date involving two O‘ahu commercial gym facilities. DOH says cases in both gyms are linked to one person who participated in exercise classes at both.

State Epidemiologist Dr. Sarah Park said, “By their very nature, gyms that operate in closed spaces with poor ventilation and without physical distancing can be breeding grounds for all kinds of infections, including coronavirus. It is imperative that all gyms follow the safe practices required by state and county governments. These include proper physical distancing in work-out areas and in group classes, wearing of masks at all times (except when physically exercising), consistent and thorough disinfection of equipment and all surfaces.”  Furthermore, she said, “It’s important for everyone to stay home if they are ill and not go to work or public areas.”

State Health Director Bruce Anderson commented, “We encourage everyone to exercise regularly, and going to the gym is a good way to maintain both physical and mental health.  However, it is critically important that safe practices are followed and that the gym is well-ventilated. Individuals at a gym are often breathing hard while exercising, which puts them and those around them at increased risk.” COVID is transmitted from person-to-person through aerosols and droplets associated with breathing, coughing and sneezing. “Perhaps most important is to stay home if you are feeling ill.  Don’t try to sweat it out.” said Anderson.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) offers information for safety in gyms and for their patrons:

Hawai‘i Tourism Authority:
2,668 Passengers Arrive on Thursday
Yesterday, a total of 2,668 people arrived in Hawai‘i including 732 visitors and 858 returning residents. There was a total of 27 arriving flights. This table shows the number of people who arrived by air from out of state yesterday but does not show interisland travel.


Crew 6 24 233 6 269
Transit     232   232
Military     241   241
Exempt     141   141
Relocate to Hawai‘i 10 14 157 14 195
Returning Resident 67 89 686 16 858
Visitor 60 65 587 20 732
GRAND TOTAL 143 192 2,277 56 2,668
Flights 1 4 21 1 27

Department of Land and Natural Resources:
2020 Lāna‘I Mouflon Sheep/Axis Deer Season Cancelled
The 2020 Lāna‘i combination mouflon sheep and axis deer season will regretfully be canceled due to the increase in COVID-19 cases in Hawai’i. The DLNR Division of Forestry and Wildlife (DOFAW) has determined the cancellation of the hunt is in the best interest of public health and safety.

Dan Dennison
Lead Public Information Officer
Hawaii COVID-19 Joint Information Center
[email protected]
(808) 636-8914

Senior Communications Manager
Hawaii Dept. of Land & Natural Resources
Communications Office
[email protected]
(808) 587-0396