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Posted on Jun 1, 2018 in Latest Department News

(KAILUA-KONA) — Celebrate the third annual World Oceans Day, “Healthy Oceans, Healthy Planet” at Hapuna Beach State Recreation Area on June 8, 2018 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. The event is free to the public, except for a $5 parking fee at Hapuna Beach for non-Hawai‘i residents.

Learn about Hawai‘i’s incredible ocean resources from over a dozen participating organizations at the Hāpuna Beach State Recreation Area south pavilion. The theme this year is “Preventing Plastic Pollution.”

“Plastic pollution is an issue on the Big Island. While a majority of the marine debris that ends up on the coastline comes from other places, single-use plastic water bottles and plastic straws used on the Big Island can end up as trash on the beaches and coastline. By trying to reduce the amount of single-use plastic we all use, we can help make our ocean and shorelines safer for marine species, “said Dena Sedar, interpretive program specialist for Hawai‘i State Parks.

A recycling station hosted by the County of Hawai‘i will allow visitors an opportunity to learn about recycling items they bring to the park. A hydration station will be part of the event so visitors can refill their water bottles.

Participating organizations at World Oceans Day include: Hawai‘i Wildlife Fund, National Park Service, Eyes of the Reef, Waikoloa Dry Forest Initiative, Ala Kahakai National Historic Trail, Hawaiian Island Humpback Whale  National Marine Sanctuaries, Hawai‘i Public Health Institute, HEAL  (Healthy Living/Active Living), Coral Reef Alliance, Kahalu‘u Bay Education Center, NOAA Fisheries, Department of Land and Natural Resources Division of Aquatic Resources, Dolphin Quest, Keep Puako Beautiful, and Ke Kai Ola The Marine Mammal Center.

There will be a beach cleanup from 7:30 a.m. to 9 a.m. and 18 informational booths set up all day. Keiki may earn a prize for visiting more than six informational booths. The Waikoloa Dry Forest Initiative will present a plant propagation workshop at 10 a.m. teaching people that native plants are important to the health of the oceans because they help prevent runoff that can harm coral reefs.


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(All images/courtesy: DLNR)


Photographs-World Oceans Day Hapuna Beach:


Media contact:

AJ McWhorter

DLNR Communications specialist

Phone: (808) 587-0418