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HIDOE News Release: Parents urged to complete federal Impact Aid survey card, funding benefits all public schools statewide

Posted on Sep 5, 2018 in Latest Department News

HONOLULU – The Hawaii State Department of Education (HIDOE) will be sending a U.S. Department of Education Federal Survey Card home with Hawaii’s public school students for parents to complete on Wednesday, September 5, 2018.

Completed Impact Aid Program survey cards allow HIDOE to qualify for a partial reimbursement for educating federally connected students, such as children whose parents work or live on federal property. The program was created by Congress to assist school districts that lose tax revenues (e.g. income, sales and property taxes) due to a federal presence. Received funds go to all qualifying local school districts and can be used to hire teachers, purchase textbooks and computers, pay for utilities and more. Parents are strongly urged to complete the surveys and return them to their schools as soon as possible.

“Federal Impact Aid funds contribute about $35 million annually and support all of our public schools statewide,” said Dr. Christina Kishimoto, HIDOE Superintendent. “Each school is eligible to receive additional funds based on the number of surveys completed and returned, so we ask parents to support their local school in maximizing access to these funds.”

Completed survey forms will benefit students at all public schools statewide. In Hawaii, Impact Aid reimbursements help to offset such costs as student transportation, school utilities, substitute teachers, portable classrooms and many others necessities.

Every public school has a 100-percent return rate goal and asks that parents complete and return the federal survey as soon as possible. Please visit HIDOE’s Impact Aid Program webpage for more information and to address common questions.


About the Hawaii State Department of Education
The Hawaii State Department of Education is the 10th largest U.S. school district and the only statewide educational system in the country. It is comprised of 256 schools and 36 charter schools, and serves about 180,000 students. King Kamehameha III established Hawaii’s public school system in 1840. To learn more, visit

Derek Inoshita
Communications Specialist
Hawaii State Department of Education
Ph: (808) 586-3232