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HIEMA NEWS RELEASE: Luke P. Meyers named Executive Officer of Hawai’i Emergency Management Agency

Posted on Aug 20, 2018 in Latest Department News

HONOLULU – Luke P. Meyers, a Certified Emergency Manager who most recently served in a variety of posts in the Pacific Northwest, has joined the Hawai’i Emergency Management Agency (HI-EMA) as Executive Officer, announced HI-EMA Administrator Tom Travis.

Mr. Meyers graduated from the University of Hawai’i with a Bachelor’s Degree in Geography with a Climate Emphasis, paving the way for his future endeavors. He currently holds a Certified Emergency Manager (CEM) certification through the International Association of Emergency Managers, a nationally and internationally recognized professional certification for emergency managers.

Mr. Meyers has gained experience and provided guidance to a number of federal, state, local, and non-profit entities, including: the U.S. Geological Survey Pacific Islands Water Science Center (1990s); State of Hawai’i Civil Defense (2000); American Red Cross Mt. Rainier Chapter (2000); FEMA Region X and Washington State EMD following the Nisqually Earthquake (2001); Pierce County Department of Emergency Management working on Planning, Mitigation, and recovery, and acting as liaison for the Puyallup Tribe (2003-2009); City of Bellevue as City Emergency Manager (2009-2015); and City of Seattle as a Strategic Advisor (2015-2018). Maintaining an active role in his community, he has served as a City Council member for the City of Edgewood, and a Board Member of the Mt. View-Edgewood Water Company.

“I am grateful and excited to have the opportunity to serve as the Executive Officer for the Hawai’i Emergency Management Agency. I look forward to working with our partners across the State and our Team here at HI-EMA to enhance the foundation of our emergency management program and increase the overall level of preparedness in our State.”

As an active member of the Emergency Management Accreditation Program, Mr. Meyers has served in the roles of Team Lead, Assessor, and member of the Standard Subcommittee.

“We are proud to have a leader of Luke’s caliber join HI-EMA,” said HI-EMA Administrator Tom Travis. “He brings us the depth of knowledge and experience that will allow us to move with confidence into the next phase of our development and also the proven leadership skills that I believe have the potential to lift us to the next level of performance. We are pleased to welcome him home to Hawai’i and look forward to making him feel at home with our staff.”

Mr. Meyers and his wife, Sharee Yagin Meyers, have two children. During his leisure time, he enjoys running, flying quadcopters, weather watching, hiking, and water sports.

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Arlina Agbayani
Public Relations Officer