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MEDIA ADVISORY: Hawaii Emergency Management Agency activates Joint Information Center

Posted on Aug 24, 2018 in Latest Department News

Honolulu- The Hawaii Emergency Management Agency has activated a Joint Information Center (JIC) in support of media operations regarding Hurricane Lane. The JIC will handle all media inquiries for HI-EMA (and the Hawaii National Guard) which include state-level inquiries and interview requests.

Contact number: (808) 733-4258 and (808) 733-4241

The JIC enables HI-EMA to bring together public information resources from other Hawaii state agencies and provides a single point of contact for media inquiries.

Members of the media are encouraged to use these coordinated contacts to ensure prompt attention to requests. The number and email are not to be shared with the public.

Currently the JIC will be operated from 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. HST, until further notice.

Arlina Agbayani
Public Relations Officer
Hawaii Emergency Management Agency (Hawaii-EMA)
3949 Diamond Head Road
Honolulu, HI 96816
Work phone: 733-4300 x529
Cellular: 808-620-5423