News release on Dept. of Ag operations
Posted on Mar 20, 2020 in Latest Department News
HONOLULU – The Hawai`i Department of Agriculture (HDOA) will try to maintain as many critical services as possible during the State’s response to the COVID-19 emergency.
On March 17, 2020, Governor Ige announced emergency actions to slow the spread of COVID-19 (coronavirus) in the State of Hawai`i and ordered non-essential state workers to not report to work from March 20th to at least April 3rd. Consequently, some services provided by HDOA may be temporarily curtailed.
Although the emergency situation may call for some personnel to stay home, critical services of the department will continue. This includes plant quarantine inspections at the state’s airports and harbors for incoming produce and plant material, rabies quarantine for incoming dogs and cats, and management and monitoring of HDOA reservoirs and irrigations system which are critical for farmers and public safety.
“Whether staff are in the office or working remotely, the department will try its best to provide as much service as possible during this emergency period,” said Phyllis Shimabukuro-Geiser, chairperson of the Hawai`i Board of Agriculture. “We appreciate the public service spirit of HDOA employees and their willingness to continue operations in critical areas.”
HDOA offices on O`ahu will try to remain physically accessible to the public; however, the situation may change as the COVID-19 emergency evolves. Updates will be posted on the HDOA homepage at It is highly recommended that the public call to make an appointment prior to coming to any office.
For neighbor island offices on Maui, Kaua`i and Hawai`i Island; the office doors will be closed beginning March 20th. The public should contact the appropriate office to make appointments ahead of time if they need urgent assistance.
Staff will do their best to respond to phone calls and messages at the following phone numbers:
- Plant Quarantine: (808) 974-4141, Air Cargo 961-9393
- Pesticides: Education (808) 974-4143, or Enforcement 973-9413
- Plant Pest Control: Chemical/Mechanical (808) 974-4145, Bio-Control 974-4146, Apiary 974-4138, Hawaii Ant Lab 315-5656
- Agricultural Resource Management: (808) 974-4147
- Animal Disease Control: (808) 974-6503
- Quality Assurance: Commodities or Measurement Standards: (808) 974-6514
- Agricultural Loan Division: (808) 933-9977,
- Hawaii Agricultural Statistics Service: (808) 961-9496
- General Inquiries: (808) 974-4140
- Plant Quarantine: (808) 326-1077
- Commodities: (808) 323-7589
- Pesticides: (808) 323-7579
- Agricultural Loan Division: (808) 323-4571
- Animal Disease Control: (808) 873-3559
- Plant Quarantine: (808) 872-3848
- Pesticides: Education (808) 873-3078, or Enforcement 973-9413
- Plant Pest Control: Chemical/Mechanical (808) 873-3080, Bio-Control 873-3949
- Quality Assurance Division: Commodities (808) 873-3554
- General Inquiries: (808) 873-3555
- Plant Quarantine: (808) 241-7135
- Pesticides: (808) 241-7134 or (808) 635-8500
- Plant Pest Control: (808) 241-7132
- Quality Assurance Division, Commodities Branch: (808) 241-7133
- General Inquiries (Oahu): (808) 973-9560
To report an illegal animal, contact the State’s TOLL-FREE PEST HOTLINE at 643-PEST (7378)
If there is an urgent matter emails may be sent to: [email protected] or call (808) 973-9560.
Remember to visit the Hawai`i Department of Health COVID-19 website for continually updated information:
Also visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website at:
Stay informed and stay healthy! It takes all of us to protect Hawai`i!
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Media Contact:
Janelle Saneishi, Public Information Officer
Hawai`i Department of Agriculture
[email protected]