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ETS NEWS RELEASE: News conference to announce data center agreement between Executive Branch and University of Hawaii

Posted on Mar 14, 2016 in Latest Department News

Ige Administration and University of Hawai‘i System officials will announce a mutually beneficial agreement that leverages the 2-year-old UH Information Technology (IT) Center to reduce risks associated with some of the state’s IT systems while saving taxpayer dollars.


News Conference to Announce Data Center Agreement between Executive Branch and UH


TUESDAY, March 15, 2016

11 – 11:30 a.m.


UH IT Center, 1st Floor Conference Room 105 A/B

UH Manoa, 2520 Correa Rd., Honolulu, HI 96822


  • Gov. David Y. Ige
  • UH President David Lassner
  • Todd Nacapuy, Chief Information Officer (CIO), State of Hawai‘i
  • Garret T. Yoshimi, UH Vice President of IT and CIO, Information Technology Services

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Media Contacts:

Keith DeMello

Senior Communications Manager

Office of Enterprise Technology Services

State of Hawai‘i

(808) 586-1920 ext. 325 | Mobile: (808) 594-3645

[email protected]


Dan Meisenzahl

Director of Media Production

University of Hawai‘i System

(808) 348-3946

[email protected]


Karen Fujii

Communications Officer

Office of the Vice President for IT & CIO

University of Hawai‘i System

(808) 956-9393

[email protected]