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OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR – News Release – Governor declares Maui a disaster area as firefighters battle massive wildfire

Posted on Jul 12, 2019 in Latest Department News, Office of the Governor Press Releases

HONOLULU – Gov. David Ige issued an emergency proclamation on Friday, declaring the County of Maui a disaster area. The proclamation enables the state to provide quick and efficient relief from damages, losses, suffering caused by the disaster, and to protect the health, safety and welfare of the people.

“I am declaring our Valley Isle a disaster area for the purpose of implementing the emergency management functions as allowed by law. The emergency proclamation also authorizes the expenditure of state monies as appropriated to support speedy and efficient relief efforts,” said Gov. Ige.

The wildfire started at about mid-morning Thursday in central Maui and quickly burned out of control. Maui Mayor Mike Victorino says the fire is about 20 percent contained and has so far damaged at least 9,000 acres of former sugar cane lands and brush.

Link to Maui County emergency proclamation here



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Jodi Leong

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Office of the Governor

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Office of the Governor

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