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OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR — News Release — Governor Ige nominates UH energy specialist to the Public Utilities Commission

Posted on Mar 19, 2018 in Latest Department News, Office of the Governor Press Releases


HONOLULU – Gov. David Ige has nominated University of Hawai‘i energy specialist Jennifer “Jennie” Potter to the Public Utilities Commission. Potter is an assistant specialist with the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa’s Hawai‘i Natural Energy Institute (HNEI).

Prior to joining HNEI, Potter was a senior scientific engineering associate in the Electricity Market and Policy group at Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. While there, she was the project lead on the 2025 California Demand Response Potential Study for the California Public Utilities Commission. Potter also worked at the Sacramento Municipal Utility District in various positions, including enterprise performance data manager, principal market analyst, and project manager. She was also an electric analyst for the City of Roseville in California.

Potter earned her Bachelor of Arts degree in International Studies and Economics from Southern Oregon University, and her Master of Science degree in Public Policy and Management from Carnegie Mellon University.

“Jennifer has a solid background and extensive experience that will enable her to serve well on the Public Utilities Commission. I look forward to working with her to achieve a 100 percent clean energy future,” Gov. Ige said.

“I am deeply honored and humbled to have the opportunity to serve as commissioner to the Public Utilities Commission. I am dedicated to serving the people of Hawai‘i and supporting the state’s clean energy and resiliency goals,” said Potter.

Potter begins her six-year term on July 1, 2018. She will replace Lorraine Akiba, whose term expires on June 30, 2018.

“We thank Commissioner Akiba for her distinguished public service, expertise and leadership. She has played a key role in representing Hawai‘i in the state’s renewable energy transformation. I wish her well in all her future endeavors,” Gov. Ige said.

Potter’s nomination is subject to Senate confirmation.

Media Contacts:
Jodi Leong
Deputy Communications Director/Press Secretary
Office of the Governor
Office: 808-586-0043
Mobile: 808-798-3929
[email protected]

Cindy McMillan
Communications Director
Office of the Governor
Office: 808-586-0012
Mobile: 808-265-7974
[email protected]