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OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR – News Release – Governor signs affordable housing, health, fireworks, women’s caucus bills

Posted on Jul 2, 2019 in Latest Department News, Office of the Governor Press Releases

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HONOLULU – Gov. Ige signed a bill that will dedicate millions of dollars to the state’s effort to create more housing that people can afford.

ACT 189 (HB1312) will add $100 million to the Rental Housing Revolving Fund over the next two years. An additional $67 million will be added to the Dwelling Unit Revolving Fund via Act 40 for infrastructure and land acquisitions.

“These funds will help the state keep the momentum going. The state’s progress would not be possible without support from the Legislature and the private sector. My administration set a goal of 10,000 new units by 2020. We remain committed to building housing that Hawai‘i families can afford,” said Gov. Ige.

In the past four years, the state has completed 6,700 units – 60 percent of them affordable. There are 7,700 additional units in the pipeline, with 80 percent of them affordable and the vast majority will be rentals.

The governor also signed the following measures in bill signing ceremonies today:


Women’s Legislative Caucus Bills:

Link to video here

ACT 175         SB1037          Relating to Domestic Violence

ACT 176         SB1039          Relating to Prostitution

ACT 177         HB483            Relating to Civil Rights


Health Bills:

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ACT 180         HB330            Relating to Suicide Prevention

ACT 181         SB1406          Relating to Health

ACT 182         SB804            Relating to Palliative Care

ACT 183         HB1272         Relating to Prescription Drugs


Fireworks Bills:

Link to video here

ACT 184         HB497            Relating to Fireworks

ACT 185         HB499            Relating to Fireworks Labeling

ACT 186         HB501            Relating to Fireworks


Other Bills:

ACT 178         HB710            Relating to Employment Practices

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ACT 179         HB1552         Relating to Public Safety

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ACT 187         HB1176         Relating to Electric Guns

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ACT 188         HB601            Relating to Exemption from Registration Fees

Link to video here


In addition – Gov. Ige signed the following bills on June 27, 2019:

ACT 158         SB1525          Relating to Home Care Agencies

ACT 159         SB1091          Relating to the Department of Transportation

ACT 160         SB988            Relating to Special Purpose Revenue Bonds for Hawaiian

Electric Company, Inc.; Maui Electric Co, Ltd. and

Hawai‘i Electric Light Company, Inc.

ACT 161         SB981            Relating to the Hawai‘i Teacher Standards Board Special


ACT 162         SB398            Relating to Homelessness

ACT 163         HB1449         Relating to the Nursing Facility Sustainability Program

ACT 164         HB1455         Relating to the University of Hawai‘i

ACT 165         HB1273         Relating to Health

ACT 166         HB1068         Relating to Heeia State Park

ACT 167         HB820            Relating to Housing

ACT 168         HB843            Relating to Hawai‘i Community College

ACT 169         HB703            Relating to Intoxicating Liquor

ACT 170         HB551            Relating to Cesspools

ACT 171         HB420            Relating to Hawaiian Culture

ACT 172         HB398            Relating to the University of Hawai‘i

ACT 173         HB1270         Relating to the Hospital Sustainability Program

ACT 174         SB162            Relating to Taxation (Signed July 1)



Media Contacts:

Jodi Leong

Deputy Communications Director/Press Secretary

Office of the Governor

Office: 808-586-0043

Mobile: 808-798-3929

[email protected]


Cindy McMillan

Communications Director

Office of the Governor

Office: 808-586-0012

Mobile: 808-265-7974

[email protected]