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OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR — Statement — Governor Ige’s statement on state Department of Health COVID-19 case numbers

Posted on Jun 19, 2020 in COVID-19 News Releases, Latest Department News, Office of the Governor Press Releases

June 19, 2020


Today’s spike in positive cases was anticipated as we began the process to re-open our community. It is still manageable, but it serves as a reminder that we must continue to be vigilant in the battle against COVID-19, especially because of the potential harm that the virus can cause to our most vulnerable populations.

We are well-prepared to handle this level of new cases. We have good capacity for testing, contact tracing and care within our hospitals and other healthcare facilities. In addition, the increase in cases is a clear sign that our contact tracing and testing programs are working and we’re finding more COVID-19 in our communities.

It’s critically important that we slow the spread of the disease by continuing the safe practices that have become the new norm. The reopening of our communities and our ability to remain open depend on how successful we are at preventing surges that could overwhelm our healthcare system.


–David Y. Ige