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PSD NEWS RELEASE – Governor and Public Safety Department announce appointment of new Deputy Director for Corrections

Posted on Nov 12, 2019 in Latest Department News

HONOLULU – Gov. David Ige and Department of Public Safety (PSD) Director Nolan Espinda announced the appointment of Shari Kimoto as the Department of Public Safety Deputy Director for Corrections. Kimoto will begin her new position, effective December 17, 2019.

“Shari has been a dedicated public servant and leader in our corrections division for more than two decades and will provide valuable insight and experience in her new role,” said PSD Director Nolan Espinda.

Shari Kimoto has been employed with the Department of Public Safety since 1994, and is currently the Acting Institutions Division Administrator since February 2015.  During her 25-year career, she has served in multiple capacities and positions to include, Project Director to design and implement a web-based audit system based on legal standards in Hawaii’s jails and prisons, Mainland Branch Administrator and Interstate Compact Coordinator, Acting Corrections Supervisor, Social Worker, Inmate Classification Officer and Legislative Coordinator.

The current Deputy Director for Corrections, Jodie Maesaka-Hirata, is retiring on December 16, 2019.  She has served in her position since January 2016. Maesaka-Hirata previously worked for the Office of the Prosecuting Attorney from 2014 until her appointment to Deputy Director for Corrections.  Prior to that she worked for the Public Safety Department from 1992 to 2014 in various capacities.

“I want to thank Jodie for her many years of service to the state. I wish her well in her future endeavors,” said Director Espinda.

The Public Safety Department Deputy Director appointments are not subject to Senate confirmation.

Toni Schwartz
Public Information Officer
Hawaii Department of Public Safety
Office: 808-587-1358
Cell: 808-683-5507
[email protected]